From the desk of Tom Murasso
In March 2006 a film called "The Secret" presented the "Law of Attraction" to the world, sold at a tremendous pace and gained widespread attention from the media with Newsweek, Larry King, Oprah and others discussing the information in their respective outlets. In September 2006 Hay House published a book, "The Law of Attraction" by Esther Hicks (Abraham-Hicks) which reached the New York Times best-seller list.
If you're reading this, I'm confident you've seen the film, read the book and are either working with the 'LAW' or at least attempting to learn the process so you can actually CREATE YOUR DESIRES.
The Secret movie makes it look easy, doesn't it? Abraham does too. So why is it still so HARD to get what you want? Why do most people feel like they're creating a manifestation mountain to climb instead of creating their desires?
You're thinking good thoughts. You have a positive attitude. You're doing all the right things... right?
Maybe not... ----->